
7 Reasons to trust 10X

23 May 2024

Sometimes we hear from people who hear about us. They say they like what they hear, and they like what we’re about. But they have reservations because we’re not as old or well-known as some of our competitors. That’s understandable – sometimes it’s their life savings we’re talking about – but we believe there are very good reasons why they can trust and believe in us more than most of the investment industry.

1. Our clients will retire better

Shockingly, only 6% of South Africans can retire comfortably. That number hasn’t changed in 25 years. One of the ways the industry can contribute is by making sure fees aren't extortionate. We keep fees low so that our clients retire with more. Did you know that even a 1% saving in fees can mean 30% more money when you retire? There’s no question that our clients are set to be better off and will have more money when they need it most.

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2. Even financial institutions trust us with their money

Financial people get finance. So it’s very telling that some very well-known financial institutions have their company retirement funds with us. They will have done the research, looked at comparisons and asked themselves where the best place is to put their own money. The conclusion they came to is 10X.

Also among our clients are famous local and international brands like Virgin Active, Lindt, General Motors and NetFlorist.

3. We have 16+ years of outperformance

A lot of people are only just hearing about 10X, so it’s natural for them to wonder who we are and how long we’ve been around. We get that. It takes a long time to become a household name in this industry (as an example, Allan Gray has been around for 45 years but it took 30 years to become well-known). We’re getting there, and we’re faster than most.

Nevertheless, 16 years is a significant amount of time. Funds come and go, and many don’t last 5 or even 10 years. Our original fund is going (and growing) strong.

In addition to our longevity, we can also claim to have performed better, and more consistently. Our 10-year returns are higher than the average large fund manager, as they have been over almost all periods.

4. Big investors believe in our business

We’re fortunate to have financial backing from credible, highly reputable funders. Old Mutual Private Equity is one. Recently, we also attracted investment from DiGAME, the international firm that invested in South Africa’s GetSmarter (which was subsequently sold for more than $100 million). These are astute, analytical people who invest in businesses they believe have a big future.

5. We are subject to independent, outside review

PWC audits 10X investments and all 10X funds. Investec Bank Limited is the custodian of all 10X funds' assets. And our funds are controlled by an independent Board of Trustees. If anything ever happened to 10X, your money would still be completely safe – the independent board would simply appoint a new asset manager to administer your savings.

6. Winning awards means we must be doing something right

Over the last few years we’ve been recognised by industry peers. Our awards include:

  • Balanced Fund Manager Of The Year
  • Employee Benefit Administrator Of The Year
  • Technology Provider Of The Year
  • Best Investment Practices

What’s especially gratifying is that the recognition is for more than just fund performance. It reflects holistically on our business, and the way we do business.

7. We put your savings to work for you, not for ourselves

It’s natural to feel seduced by the size and awe of our competitors’ impressive buildings. Do you know who pays for those buildings? Their clients. Few people realise that when the industry charges its 3% average fee, and assuming your money grows at 6%, you are actually paying half of your growth over to the industry. We’ve saved our clients over R300 million in fees since we started. That money goes into your investment to grow and compound more over time so that you have more money when you retire.

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